William Davison Music Minister, Office & Church Administer
Dr. Melvin Payne: Pastor Emeritus
“I was saved at the age of 20 after having been a church member for seven years. I was married to the late Dot Turner Payne, who passed on to heaven in 1998. I have been active in the music ministry since my teen years. Later, after salvation and marriage, I continued to serve God in the music ministry as pianist, organist, and music director. I was also active in youth ministry. Called to preach at the age of 36, I immediately went into full time ministry as minister of music and youth at Mills Chapel Baptist Church in Newnan, GA. Later I served as interim pastor at Rock Springs Baptist and Hope Memorial Baptist both in Coweta County, Georgia. After the death of my wife Dot, I was blessed to marry Mildred Watson Payne. Prior to her first husband's death, Mildred served as the pastor's wife at Mills Chapel Baptist Church in Newnan. Now God has placed us together to continue in His work.” Pastor Payne is still an active and invaluable part of the ministry here at Westside. We are very grateful for his many years of work and sacrifice for the cause of Christ.